
B.E.E.F : A Guide To Shoot Like a Pro

Becoming a top-scorer is every player’s dream. There may be some who are experts in giving assist. But most of the time, the main goal of the player is to score as many points as possible. Scoring points is not just about putting the ball into the opponent’s basket but more than that, it is also about body form when shooting.

One method that can help you learn shooting form is B.E.E.F. We are not talking about meat but we are talking about B.E.E.F that is stand for Balance, Eyes, Elbow, and Follow through. It is very easy to remember. This B.E.E.F method is very suitable to be taught especially to beginner basketball players, because by applying this method, players can train their body form in making good and correct shots. This article will break down the BEEF methods and how to implement it in the game.

1. Balance

Good balance is key to a great shot. It keeps your body steady and aligned, making it easier to shoot accurately.

How to do it:

Begin by placing your feet shoulder-width apart. Evenly distribute your weight on both feet and bend your knees a little. This stance keeps you steady and gives you better control over your shot. Make sure your weight is centered and not too far forward or backward.

2. Elbow

Positioning your elbow correctly is key to a straight and accurate shot. Your elbow should be aligned with the basket to make sure the ball travels straight.

How to do it:

Keep your shooting elbow directly under the ball, forming an ‘L’ shape with your arm. Bend your elbow to about a 90-degree angle. This helps you make a straight and consistent shot.

3. Eyes

Keeping your eyes focused on the target helps improve shooting accuracy. It ensures that you are aiming correctly and helps you maintain concentration.

How to do it:

Focus your eyes on the back of the rim or a specific spot on the hoop where you want the ball to go through. Don’t look at the ball or the whole hoop; concentrating on a specific spot will help guide your shot better.

4. Follow-Through

The follow-through is the last part of your shot and is key to making sure the ball goes where you want it. A good follow-through helps make your shots more consistent and accurate.

How to do it:

After you release the ball, fully extend your shooting arm and snap your wrist downward, with your fingers pointing toward the basket. Keep your motion smooth and relaxed, and make sure your hand finishes naturally. This helps put the right backspin on the ball and guide it accurately.

Mastering the B.E.E.F technique is essential for improving your shooting accuracy in basketball. By focusing on Balance, Elbow, Eyes, and Follow-through, you can develop a consistent and reliable shot. Regular practice and attention to these fundamental aspects will help you become a more like a pro and elevate your overall game.
